Life Living With Borderline Personality Disorder


 "A crucial element of the real self is its unconditional acceptance of itself."

-Michael Adzema

"People with  Borderline Personality Disorder are like people with  third degree burns over 90% of their bodies. Lacking emotional skin,  they feel agony at the slightest touch of movement."

-Marsha Linehan

I chose these quotes to start with because for the longest time I have hidden my diagnose of Borderline Personality  Disorder and at the same time time have felt like I'm a burning alive. For some reason it has always been much easier to share I suffer from depression, anxiety, and PTSD, but I never share about BPD  becasue it comes wtih incredible stigma. In order to heal I need to share and hopefully light a path for others living with this illness to not live in shame.

I will get into more detail about what exactly Borderline Personality Disorder is in further posts. For now I will share that it causes intense emotiuonal dysregulation in me and impulsity. This impulsiviuty has caused  me to make near life-ending suicide attempts. As a result of these suicide attempts I am now partially parayzed, have a brain injury, and suffer depression, anxiety, PTSD, and occassional pyschosis in addition to my original dianosis of BPD.

The great thing about BPD is that with hard work and treatment patients can make a full recovery  and can no longer have the diagnosis. I am curently part of an a specialized treatment program and every day I am workiung hard. Part of the this healing is sharing about what life is like living with this terrible illness. Like I already mentioned I want to light a path so others can share  their journey and so hopefully others don't have to suffer like I  have.


  1. I loved your article and I'm galad that many with the same mentality willl find this extremely intelligent~aticulate. Thanks! #adp #Bpd #dissasterStress


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